Good morning! I was asked to post a pic of my reward so I did. As you can see, I changed my mind. No journal. Friday afternoon, after the university Open Day, I left to Lea Bridge (, a little village in Derbyshire to celebrate my friend and colleague's Hen Weekend. We had a fab time! After a nice 5 hour walk (it was supposed to be 2 but we got lost a few times...) we stumbled into a 'hippy shop' and I decided I'd get those red Thai fisherman's trousers, which are great for yoga and fun times. As you can see, I've already made the most of them. The journal will be my reward for next week, then.
Goals for this week:
- Finish writing all module information documents for all my 09-10 modules.
- Write resit exams
- Finish my 'Desert flies' story.
- Prepare portfolio for MA application.
- Morning pages + keep working through The Artist's Way chapters.
Happy Monday everyone!
I love these thai fisherman trousers.At the beginnig I couldn´t believe it was you! The posh young time is over, my dear !
Love ya!
Il like the blog´snew look .It is easier to read now !
Sí, totalment d'acord amb el new look (del blog, vull dir). De cop em vaig adonar que costava molt de llegir i fins i tot jo em saltava línies. Ara és més 'peaceful'.
Pensava que no em reconeixies per la pirueta meravellosa que estava fent!!!!!! Ja ja ja ja ja ! No, no els 'posh young times are not over' (o no del tot, malgrat les plantilles de les sabates...). Cada cosa al seu moment. Les piruetes i salts mortals exigeixen tai o similars, ja he trencat un parell de pantalons de gimnàsia, aquests tai semblen ben resistents. Ideals també per l'estiu mediterrani. Visca!!!!! Dintre de poc tornaré a l'estiu (5 d'agost).
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